Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hey Y'all!!

Sorry that I have been MIA recently....I'm just enjoying the last days as, how molly puts it, a "Free Woman"! LOL Enjoying the time before I start up on a full time job again! Its been really nice!

Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that i EXTENDED the time that your card/package needs to be shipped for Madison to Monday, Nov.1st! Many people couldn't not get the sent out till this weekend so if you were considering making/sending her something, you now have an extra 2 1/2 days!! So please, if you can, participate! I have receive, as of yesterday, over 60 cards for her!!!!! And tons of goodies that people have been sending for her! Trust me when I say, she is going to be so happy and its really going to brighten her day! For all the info about Madison, click HERE! The following is where you can send the card/package:

Trisha Theo
Po Box 7806
North Port, FL 34290

Also, the family is selling bracelets to raise money to help with all of the medical bills....the cost is $10 per bracelet. I should be receiving one in the mail soon and I'll be sure to do a video showing it off but here is a picture.  It has her full name on it but the picture only shows Madison. I know that money is tight for EVERYONE right now with the way the economy/job market is BUT if you can help out this family, even by just purchasing one bracelet, it would help them tremendously!!!! If your interested in purchasing some please send me the following via email to

Your name:
How many bracelets you'd like to purchase:

Also, I thought I'd share with you a recent picture of Madison! She still manages to have a smile on her face despite everything she is going through!!!

I also wanted to show you guys some pic's and a video from yesterday.  I got to enjoy going to another event with my hubby!! He was judging a High School Drill Competition.  It was so cool to see all these high school students who are in ROTC and participate in the drill team. 

That's my hubby on the left helping another recruiter judge

I had a pretty cool video of the guys spinning and tossing their riffles but it wouldn't let me upload!! Boooo!  Oh well!

Someone asked if I wouldn't post as much because I now have a job.......I hope not! LOL I'm hoping to still post regularly, even if I need to stay up late! hahaha I also ready have a few post set up for this week. I'm hoping that on the weekends, I'll have the chance to create and have stuff to show you guys during the week!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Creative Scraps Challenge Week #3- Thanks!

Hey Everyone!!
Welcome to the "Overly Inspiring" day of the Creative Scraps Challenge and also the "Open to the Public" Day! LOL If your new to our is how it works. Cristi, Molly, and I creative all week long to offer you guys inspiration and to also challenge ourselves and get our butts crafting! :) Then on Friday, we all present a new project with an added element of surprise and have Momo and other Fabulous guest designers to inspire you! You then have until the following Friday (in this weeks case, Nov. 5th) to create and link your projects. And we have some blog candy for you all too :D Sound interesting?!?! Come join in on the fun!

This week....Molly is hosting Challenge Friday so you can head over to her blog to see all of our projects! Click Here to jump on over!!
This week....our challenge was to create a thank you card but the added element was that you had to either heat emboss or use glitter (and stickles do not count!)--Someone asked me how we come up with our challenges and added elements...we all look around our rooms and see what we're neglecting and pick based on that so that we can utilize all of our stuff!

Here is what I came up with! This set also happens to be the giveaway for this week!!!!

The flowers on my cards were a GREAT deal....I found packs of these flowers at Michael's a few months ago and they were only a $1 for 36 paper flowers and 9 gems. What I did was take one flower of each size and layer them and attach them together with a brad! Love the look it gave! So for the giveaway, you'll get all 6 cards, in the box, with 6 envelopes!

Don't forget to head over to Molly's blog to check out every one's projects!! Now off to a Drill Team Competition my Hubby is helping Judge and then Boo-fest with my in laws!! I got Gem a T-Shirt!!! LOL I'll be sure to post pics this weekend! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thank You Christmas!

Hey Everyone!!

Happy Hump Day!!! Today is such a FANTASTIC day for me....I'm feeling SOOOO much better (have a bit of a cough that wont go away) but I just feel so much better overall! I also had an interview today and I GOT OFFERED THE JOB ON THE SPOT!!!! (I'm going to be a customer service rep for a shipping company) Thank you to my Molly & my mom/sister for helping me pick an outfit and Cristi who kept ensuring me I'd be fine! I'm so stinkin' Excited!!!!

So that is why I'm SOOO late posting today, last night I couldn't figure out what to wear and I wanted to be prepared for today.  And then this morning I was away for my interview.  So, today is my day to post for creative scraps! I'm in this Christmas mood lately.  So I thought I'd make a Thank You note for a teacher who receives gifts from her students for Xmas! I was thinking of my best friend Tracey (a chicklet) who is a kindergarten teacher. 

I did something different with the ribbon too and I REALLY like how it turned out. All images are cut out from Hello Kitty Greeting. And the boarder punch is from Martha Stewart.  Of course, the stamp set is from Scrappy Mom's Stamps!

Be sure to check out Molly's blog tomorrow for her creation and if you missed Cristi's card yesterday, be sure to head over and check it out! It was sooo cute!

ALSO...THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SENT CARDS AND GIFTS, THUS FAR, FOR MADISON!!! ITS GREATLY APPRECIATED! Also...HUGE thanks for Lauren who included the most beautiful card for me in her package for Madison! Thank you Lauren!!  To find all the Information for sending Madison a card/package (YOU STILL HAVE TIME!!) click HERE!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Creative Scrap's Challenge Week #3!!!

To Find Out ALL the information for the Card Drive for HERE!!!

Hey Everyone!

First let me say THANK YOU to who has been sending me "Get Well Wishes"!!! Its so sweet of you all who have been sending me the get well vibes! LOL Unfortunately.......Last week I was absolutely horrible....I don't think i made it off the couch or out of bed for 4 days straight except to let the dog out, use the bathroom, and grab a drink. LOL Yesterday, I was feeling SO much better....I had picked up around the house and managed to finish a xmas card that has been sitting on my desk for weeks. I even skyped with Cristi and Molly! Then at 11pm....I started to go downhill! The "virus" hit me like a train, I was nauseous, had stomach pains, hot and cold chills.  And I woke up this morning feeling the same---I'm so tired of being ill and to think its ALL my Hubby's fault! LOL ANYWHO......

WAHOOOOOO its Creative Scraps Challenge Week #3!!! We took last week off because of Momo's Challenge week AND because week all needed a mini vacation! 
For our new followers, Molly (Army Wife Learns the Cricut), Cristi (Scrappin 5 Little Cupcakes) and I will take turns posting throughout the week except for today when we are all posting our projects. Friday is the day we will post our final project for the week with an added element. You will all then have a chance to participate starting on Friday and we will pick a winner!!

Here is our schedule this week:

Monday: All of us will post our projects
Tuesday: Cristi will post her project
Wednesday: ME will post my project :)
Thursday: Molly
Friday: We will have everyone presenting a new project, with Momo and 2 other Special Guest Designers!! And the challenge will be open to all of you!

So for this week.....our challenge was to create Thank You Cards.  I'm totally NOT happy with my card but I wanted to post something.  My layers didnt match up but oh well! So here is what I created...

the "thanks" has glossy accent on it but it was still wet when I took the picture! Hahaha.....Be sure to head over to Cristi and Molly's Blogs because they're CARDS are sooooo cute!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sneak Peak #3 and some Pictures

Hey Everyone!

So, after taking care of my hubby for 3 weeks (and he is STILL getting over this virus/cold).....he has OH SO GENEROUSLY passed it onto me! I also think that now that Lauren is feeling better and more creative, she's also shared! LOL Lucky Lucky me huh??? So since I haven't gotten to craft too much recently, I decided to show you some pictures of my family.  Normally, I don't really share to many pics because I feel like people are here for my crafts but I have to compensate for me being MIA lol!!

Here is the Sneak Peak #3 for Scrappy Mom's "A Pinch and A Dash"
This card is super simple....doesn't have all of the layers I'm use to but i still think it turned out cute.  Be sure to check out the rest of the design teams projects by clicking their names on the right sidebar.

This is the youngest of my two brother in law's testing for his black belt! He did really really well!! He should be finding out soon if he passed!

This is the oldest brother-in-law who transformed our lanai into his painting studio for the afternoon.  I had mentioned to him that I wanted a painting to put in my living room and he went straight to work. He is attending an arts college here in Florida and he is a fantastic artist....check out his finished painting for me below.
He used a picture that I showed him online that I liked so he didn't just pull it from his head but I'm LOVING it!

Ok everyone....hopefully I'll be back to my usual feeling better, crafting self soon! Hope you all have a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sneak Peak for Scrappy Mom #2

Hey Everyone!

So today is Tuesday Challenge for Momo's Blog.  The challenge was to make anything BESIDES a card! She always likes to pull a fast one on us....ehehehe.  So I created a "treat bag" that is filled with some ground coffee.  This also serves as my second sneak peak for Scrappy Mom Stamps! If you haven't headed over to Scrappy Mom's blog to order this better head over there and order away because this set is fabulous!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Trying to put a smile on the face of a child suffering from Cancer!!!

** To see my project for the "sneak peak" of the new scrappy mom's stamp set, click HERE!**

After working for my parents business for 10 years, you get to know your customers pretty well and over time they become more like friends. One of the customers had told me last year that he was thrilled that his niece, Madison, was in remission from Leukemia! Their family was over joyed that such a young girl had beat this vicious cancer (she's only 6 years old). However, just last week, their family was just hit with the most horrific news........Madison's cancer has returned.

Now I personally do not know Madison BUT i'm the type of person who wants to help whenever I can. I know that I cant cure her but I can help with making her day a little better by sending her a card to put a smile on her face. So, this is where i'm hoping to get your help.....i'm hoping to get a TON of cards to cheer up Madison. "Get well" cards and anything that is super girly would be perfect!!! And if you'd like to send a small gift, ex: a barbie or stuffed animal, im sure it would cheer her up and keep her company while she spends the next several weeks in the hospital. I know she loves pink, butterflies, and anything girly.

If your interested in helping please send your cards/packages to the following address by Friday, October 29th (please have it in the mail on or before that date):

Trisha Theo
Po Box 7806
North Port, Florida 34290

Thank you everyone in advance for spreading the word and helping this young girl get through such a hard time,


Ps....if you'd like to send a card to Madison's parents with words of encouragement or your prayers, their names are Bobby & Maria.

Scrappy Mom's Sneak Peak

Hey everyone!

So i'm just riding along in the car with my hubby heading to the Airforce Base for appointments. And just realized that I could download a Blogger App on my new phone!!!!! Wahoooooo!!!!!!! The only thing I can't do is rotate pictures :( so please just touch ur ear to your shoulder and ull be able to see the picture correctly! Lol.

Unfortunately, I can only post one picture so to see the new FABULOUS stamp set by Scrappy Mom's, click  HERE! 

So this is what I came up with!!!!! I used 2 layers of UTEE on the jar portion. That's why it looks super shiny but the color looks dull. It was the look I was looking for. And I used fabric on the top with braiding cord around it. When I see jam for sale at craft fairs- I always see fabric over the lids for a decorative I followed along and applied it to my card. :) Hope you guys like it!!!!

Also be sure to check out my design team sista's who have been showing off amazing projects as well!!! You can check out there blogs by clicking on their name in my sidebar under my Scrappy Mom's DT button!

Ps.... We all, from creative scraps need a little bit of a we're not feeling so "creative". So we will be back next week! Lol

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Peachy Keen Challenge

Hey Everyone.....I'm on my way to bed but I wanted to submit a project for the Peachy Keen Challenge going on! I'm not super impressed with it BUT it did get me out of my comfort zone with making a layout! So here it is.....check in tomorrow for sneak peaks of my projects using the NEW Scrappy Mom's Stamp Set!!! I must say....i just LOVE this set!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Don't ask me where I got that phase, it sorta just popped into my head! hahahaha I have a BAZILLION things to tell y'all so I'm just going to keep listing them off!

#1.  I just hit 500 followers on my blog! Thank you Thank you Thank you to everyone who visits my blog on a daily basis and leaves such nice and thoughtful comments!! Y'all are truly appreciated and your comments are what keep me coming back and doing more video's and showing you new projects!  Not sure if I'm going to do a giveaway......My hubby sorta banned me from buying anything crafty for the time being. LOL Maybe I'll just wait till I hit 1,000 to do a MEGA giveaway!! Molly's been keeping track of when I get to 500 but she's at work right now so she has not stinkin' idea! HAHAHA SURPRISE MOLLY!

#2.  DON'T FORGET!!! Creative Scraps Challenge is still going on!!! You have until Friday at Midnight Est!! To check out all the information on the challenge and to enter, click HERE! We're giving away an I-Rock!!!!

#3.  Thank you to everyone who as been leaving me such AMAZING comments about my "recipe" video!! I'm so glad that you guys enjoy something other than paper crafts!! I have one other video so far that needs to be editing on cooking! AND OMG that recipe is SOOO easy, quick, and TASTY!! Maybe that will be my post for tomorrow!

#4. AND THE MOST EXCITING NEWS OF IT ALL.........IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ON SCRAPPY MOM'S BLOG YET, I MADE THE DESIGN TEAM!!!!!!!!!! I am so stinkin excited!!! I absolutely LOVE all of their stamp sets and the sentiments are just perfect for ANY project!! I can't believe it......I really can't believe I made it! This helps me in believing that my work is good enough, even though sometimes i think differently! Who would of thought....a few weeks back when Sarah (Live, Love, Scrap!) and I were harassing Mel (Scrappy Mel) about wanting to be on the design team, that we would actually get the chance to try out and BOTH make it!!!! Its an awesome feeling and I can't wait to start creating more projects with their stamps! Thank you again, soooooo much, Mel and Tammy!! You two ladies are the GREATEST!

Ok everyone.....that's it for tonight...I'm going back to try and get back to creating Christmas Cards! My mom has been bugging me to come up with idea's for her design this year! :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Episode 27 & Birthday Blog Hop Bash Winner!

Hey Everyone!!
Welcome to the beginning of the week!!! My hubby is off today so we are spending some time together now that he is feeling a bit better but we found of from the orthopedic surgeon that he has a cyst in his wrist and will have microscopic surgery to remove it. I swear in this house, if its not the dog and cat that are sick....its Jesse! LOL Oh well, that's part of the roll of being a wife, taking care of everyone in the house!

So I really hope that you all thoroughly enjoyed the blog hop! I had a blast being featured with all of the amazing ladies that were in the line up! They are some of the most talented bloggers out there and some of them are amongst my closest friends!!!! Well I'm sure you're all wonder who the lucky winner is for the K&Company paper pack and Ek Success Candles boarder punch. selected #131 .........

Autumn (aka) lilmisstypo

CONGRATS AUTUMN!!!!! I'll be sending out an email to you asking for all of your mailing information to get out your prize pack!!

Lastly, I have ANOTHER video for you guys!! And it is a BIG change from the video's I normally shoot so I hope that you all enjoy it and let me know what you think!!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Momo's Birthday Blog Hop Bash!!!


I'm so glad that you ALL have joined us today to celebrate Momo's birthday with a Birthday Blog Hop Bash!!  I had the opportunity this week to meet THE one and only Momo and treat her to lunch for her birthday and I honestly had the absolute GREATEST TIME! She has seriously been a crafting idol of mine ever since I began stalking blogs in December of '09, so to meet her was Amazing!

I am so incredibly honored to be part of this blog hop and not just because it is for Momo's Birthday but because I can honestly say that some of my closest blogging friends are part of this and people who's work inspire me day to day! I mean you have the all around diva Momo, the scrapbooking queen Lauren, the fabulous Scrappy Mom's Mel & Tammy, my blogging besties Molly & Cristi, my secret accomplices Julie & Sarah ;), and the list just goes on and on and on!!! All these ladies blogs are stalked out on an hourly basis by me! LOL So honestly, this might be my favorite hop thus far because of group of ladies that are participating in it!

Ok, so enough of my mumbo jumbo...i tend to ramble a lot, i need to fix that! LOL Ok so I had a bit of a tough time with this because Julie showed me her project early this week and its FABULOUS and I wanted to create something extra special for this hop but my mojo was long gone after last night/this morning ordeal.  I started thinking of people's birthdays and thought of my SISTER!! She is turning the BIG 17 in March, which means she will get her license and can drive SOLO in the state of New Jersey....MAJORLY SCARY THING! I remember changing her diapers! lol....So, I decided to create an invitation for her birthday! And its oh so fitting! Everything on this screams my sister! From the colors,the bling, to the "blah, blah, blah" sticker! Oh yeah, and she's ALWAYS flashing a Peace Sign! {Read all the way to the end to see for yourself!} 

 I used the Sweethearts Cartridge for the Car and Once Upon a Princess for the balloons!

Wanna know whats for blog candy?!?!?! I felt like this was just right for this Blog Hops theme!

K&Company- Happy Birthday 2u! Paper Pack

Ek Success Candles Boarder Punch

Ok So here's what you need to do to enter.....Leave me a comment on this post with what your all time favorite birthday gift was ever.  Could of been when you were 3,12,16 at any age...just tell me what your favorite gift was.  Only one comment per person and you MUST leave me your email address with your comment!! If you forget to add it, just delete your original comment and re-comment including your email address. You have until Sunday, October 10th, at midnight eastern time to enter! A winner will be announced on Monday morning/afternoon-ish! 

Also, here is a List of ALL of the fabulous ladies participating today! Be sure to visit them all and see their amazing projects and I'm sure some of them will have blog candy as well!!

Here is a picture of my sister and I about 3 years ago, goofing around in the car to entertain ourselves on our drive to a party about 2 hours away! ---and yes I had blonde highlights in my hair! my family and hubby like me better as a blonde....what do you all think?!?! do I stay natural or dye it again? LOL---

Friday, October 8, 2010

Creative Scraps Challenge Week #2- "Open to the Public"

Good Morning Everyone!!

It has been an extremely LONG day!! As some of you may hubby has been ill all week long and the last few days have gotten worse.  So tonight I took him to the ER because he hasn't eaten or drank any more than 2 glasses of water, 5 spoons of applesauce, and 3 bites of jell-o in the last 3 days.  So they had to put 2 litters of fluids through an IV just because he was so dehydrated. The reason I'm telling you this is because it is now 2am, and I just completed my card! LOL I took him to the ER 9pm, didn't get home till 12.15am, and i am now done my card at 2am! LOL Thank goodness for sleeping in tomorrow!  Ok so ENOUGH of my blabbering....(I'm sure some will ask so--my hubby was doing much better when he left the ER tonight, still had a minor sore throat but he is on antibiotics for it, he just needs rest which he is getting now :)) 

So as you know this weeks Creative Scraps Challenge Week was ALL about Birthdays! Cristi is in charge of posting this week so head over to her blog to join the HERE! For those of you who are new to the challenge--- Every other week we challenge ourselves, whether it be with a theme, color combo, certain cartridge and we showcase our work all week long.  Then on Sunday(this week its today because of Momo's blog hop tomorrow), we have an added element to challenge us and we open the challenge for one week to all of you!!! So in short, we offer inspiration to you all during the week and then open the challenge up for entries for a whole week! And normally.....there is blog candy involved! 
 We also have 2 FANTASTIC GUEST DESIGNERS TODAY!! They are personally some close blogging friends of mine and I absolutely adore their work! We have Momo (our returning guest designer), Sarah (Live, Love, and Scrap!), and Julie ( Ready, Set, Stamp).  Thank you sooo much ladies for joining in on the challenge this week!

Ok so for the Weekly Girls (Cristi, Dorcas, Molly, and Myself) we gave ourselves 2 added elements this week......We HAD to use Once Upon a Princess and Bling! So here is what I came up with

I don't think it is up to "par" but it really took up all of the remaining energy I had left in me tonight :) I think it still turned out cute though! Of course the sentiment is from Scrappy Moms Stamps "The Charmed Life" which i just received in the mail today! YIPPEE!!!! I hope that you guys enjoyed my card and make sure you head over to CRISTI'S blog for all of the details on the challenge AND be sure to link your projects!! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

PS.....I chose this girl because she reminded me of the way my Mom would dress me as a kid! I always had a dress or skirt and blouse on and ALWAYS had a big bow in my hair! I especially remember one birthday where i was dressed just like this but my dress had a black top with an orange skirt to it. I wanted to replicate it but it reminded me too much of Halloween! But here is a picture of my first day of kindergarten!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Episode 26- Clean/Dirty Dishwasher Magnet

Hey Everyone!!
So here is a project that i have been wanting to work on for a while but never got around to it! Its funny how when you go to a store and see something--it reminds you of something you've been wanting to work on! And for $.69 you absolutely Can NOT go wrong!! :) I really hope you guys enjoy this project!!!

Don't forget to check out Dorcas and Cristi's Blog today for their Creative Scraps Projects for the Day! Also, don't forget to check to in to Cristi's Blog tomorrow for every one's project AND see Momo and our 2 SPECIAL GUEST DESIGNER's projects as well!!! Hope you guys have a fantastic Day!!

Ps....Don't forget to check out the HUGE Stampin' Up! Clearance Sale going on right can find all the info on the post below this one!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Creative Scraps Challenge Week #2- Post 2

Good Morning and Happy Hump Day Everyone!!

We are half way through the week and I'm feeling FANTASTIC!!! I not only finished all my rehearsal dinner invites that I had to make for my etsy order BUT I also met my Card Making Idol Yesterday....the one and only MOMO!!!! Now I have to admit, I was a wee bit nervous at first---I mean I've been stalking Momo's blog since the end of December and she has really been my creative inspiration and the one who pushed me to start my blog and start video's and she and my hubby pushed me to start etsy! BUT after the jitters were out, we just talked non stop for 2 hours (like we've been childhood friends) while we ate lunch and had dessert. It was a blast and we will be getting together very soon!! Here are a few pictures of us out together!

And as I said on my FB fan page....if you think she is sweet on her video's or ustream...just wait till you meet her!!! Shoot....Momo, I forgot to get your autograph! LOL Just Kidding! :)

Oh wait a minute....we have a challenge going on today don't we?!?! LOL

So if you guys have been following along, you know that this week is all about Birthdays! So I made another kid-ish card with my Hello Kitty Greetings Cartridge! Now all the pieces for her legs didn't look right with the card feature so i had to do a bit of cutting myself but I think it turned out cute in the end! I also HATED the bunny on her head so I cut it off and used the face cutout from a different page! :) I've glossified the icing and teal-berries on the cake too! And I was a bit bummed because i was masking my stamp and when i stamped "Cake" it didn't place right where i wanted it :(  { But the stamps as you all know are from Scrappy Moms Stamps!! Can't wait to get my order in the mail! Hopefully soon!!!}  Oh well, I still think its cute!!

Hope you guys enjoy it! Don't forget to head over to my military wife bff, Molly's blog to check out her project for today! ITS SO STINKIN CUTE! And I think I'll have another video up for you guys tomorrow too!!! I'm on a bit of a roll i think! LOL
Have a Great Day Everyone!

OH MY GOODNESS.....I ALMOST FORGOT!!!! STAMPIN' UP! IS HAVING A MEGA SALE IN THEIR CLEARANCE RACK, AND I MEAN MEGA!!! NOW THE PAPER AND INK PADS ARE RETIRED COLORS BUT FOR $3.99 A PACK OF PAPER, $2.99 FOR INK PADS.....YOU SERIOUSLY CANNOT BEAT IT! THEY HAVE TONS, AND I REPEAT TONS OF GORGEOUS RIBBON ON SALE AS WELL! AND THEIR RIBBON IS 10YRDS(FROM $2.99-$3.99). AND THEY HAVE A BUNCH OF BUTTONS, EMBELLISHMENTS, RUB-ONS, AND A FEW PUNCHES THAT ARE SOOOO HARD TO FIND NOW! I SAW ONE ON EBAY FOR $15 THE OTHER DAY AND THE SAD THING IS I BID ON IT BUT THANK GOODNESS I LOST BECAUSE I JUST BOUGHT IT FOR $2.99!! These items are first come, first serve so if your interested in something, don't wait till tomorrow to get it because it may be gone by then!!! If your interested in ordering, please email me at and we'll be sure to get you all these clearance goodies! click HERE to go straight to their clearance rack to look!
 {I'm almost at my goal for this quarter so even small orders will help!! thanks guys!}

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Episode 25- Notecard Sketchbook

So I have slowly but finally gotten my Mojo back!!! THANK GOODNESS!!! I've been finishing up the invitations and slowly have been getting my creativity back! I really hope you guys enjoy this project and video!

Don't forget that the Creative Scraps Challenge week is going on this week! Be sure to check out Dorcas and Cristi's blog today for more inspiration!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Creative Scraps Challenge Week #2!!!!!

Good Morning Everyone!!! Welcome to Creative Scraps Challenge Week #2!!! We are so excited to finally be on our second week....we had so much fun during our first week that we couldn't wait for this week!  First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who joined in on the last challenge week!! We really appreciate all of you who left comments all week and who actually joining in on the challenge....That remind me! We have a winner for last weeks challenge..............The Winner Is........


Congrats Adrian!!! If you could email me your address, we will get the package out to you!!
Next.....I want to give a BIG WELCOME to Dorcas-- She has joined our team of Molly, Cristi, and Myself!! You know what that means....just a more inspiration for all of you! She is a fabulous crafter and we're thrilled that she is joining our team!

So this week will be a bit different....Since Momo is having her Birthday Blog Hop on Saturday, we didn't want our schedule to interfere.  So here is how the week will go(and us girls joked because Cristi and Dorcas have been Best friends for a VERY long time and Molly and I are recent military wife Best friends--LOL)....
Monday: Me and Molly will present projects
Tuesday: Cristi and Dorcas will present projects
Wednesday: Me and Molly
Thursday: Cristi and Dorcas
Friday: We will have everyone presenting a new project, with Momo and 2 other Special Guest Designers!! And the challenge will be open to all of you!

Ok So for this week.....the challenge was to create a project with a birthday theme.  And we can use ANY cartridge.....thank goodness! LOL So here is my project...

This card was TOTALLY inspired by Momo's work. I went crazy with the board punch layered and got some buttons on the card!! The cupcake is from the Simply Charmed cartridge and its cut at 4".  The tag was just hand cut AND of course I'm using the Scrappy Mom's "Sweet Somethings" stamp set! If you have been waiting to get some of their stamps....they just put together a bundle pack for all 7 of their stamp sets! You should seriously look into it because these stamps are fantastic!!! I just ordered 2 more from them, Charmed Life and Winter Wishes....cant wait to get them!!!  

So be sure to head over to Molly's Blog: Army Wife Learns the Cricut, to check out her absolutely adorable card that she made for today!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Welcome to the Halloween/Fall Blog Hop!!

Today, I'm part of the Halloween/Fall Blog Hop that is being hosted by Steph at Always Crafting and I'm so excited!!! I have been itching to do another Blog Hop since I did the Back to School Blog Hop so I was HONORED that Steph asked me to be part of this one! :) There will be 11 crafty ladies (including myself) along the blog hop with TONS of great projects!!! And I'm sure there will be some blog candy along the way too!  Carol and Barrie, from scrapadabadoo have agreed to sponsor the hop and they have donated a FANTASTIC prize!!! So one person will have the opportunity to win both the Tim Holtz On The Edge Die and a Kaiser Craft Paper Pack  (Jades Garden). Now the very special part is the Die will be Autographed by Tim Holtz himself!!! Be sure to check out Steph's blog for details on how to win this fantastic prize!! Now you should have joined me from Melissa's blog but if you've just stumbled upon my blog, your going to want to start at Steph's blog and hop along to see all of the phenomenal projects and blog candy!!  Ok so onto my project for the hop! I kept is super simple....its been a bit of a chaotic weekend (Thank Goodness for my m.w.bff, Molly who brought me back down to "Scrapping" earth hehehe) and I was trying to finish a mini I've been working on but it just didn't work on in my favor.  So, I created these cute little candy holders to give to trick or treaters!!!!

For this project I used the Pillow Box from the Wedding Solutions cartridge. (Got the cartridge with cricut rewards points and mainly for this pillow box!) I just love it, it can be used for SOOOO many different things and occasions.  Of course, the cute little mummy and candy corn girl is from Mini Monsters (and her face is from non-other than Everyday Faces from Peachy Keen).  AND OF COURSE, both sentiments are from the Scrappy Mom's "A Haunting we will Go" Stamp set! I use these stamps WAY too much but they are just perfect with your Cricut projects and non-Cricut projects.....and they have 7 different sets!!! {How am I doing Mel??? Am I selling it or what?!?! LOL.....BIG Shout out to Scrappy Mel who deals with Sarah(Live, Love, and Scrap!) and I always harassing her about us wanting to be part of the design team for their stamps! But we cant help it...we just LOVE their stamps)} 

So my project was SUPER simple but I think it turned out pretty cute!! And I think the kids will really like it! This is the first time Jesse (my hubby) and I have lived in a "neighborhood", so we're hoping to get trick or treaters to hand these out to!

Now off to the FANTASTIC Sonia from Archiving Angel for another super project!