Monday, November 29, 2010

Creative Scraps Challenge Week #5!!!

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!

This week is our 5th week of Creative Scraps Challenge! Wahoo....I'm so excited that we are still continuing with the challenge week even though I'm SUPER busy with work.  It really forces me to be creative and take time for myself to create. :) And creating makes me happy! 

So for those of you who are new to Creative Scraps Challenge, here is the break down. (For those of you who follow along, we have changed the schedule up a wee bit to cut down the stress of trying to create so much during the week).  Molly (Army Wife Learns the Cricut), Cristi (Scrappin 5 Little Cupcakes) and I will take turns posting our projects throughout the week (except for Thursday). Friday is the day we will post our final project for the week with an added element. Also, on Friday, the very talented Momo (Made by Momo) will join us as our veteran guest designer.  You will all then have a chance to participate starting on Friday and we will pick a winner!!

Here is the schedule for this week:
Today: I'll show my project
Tuesday: Cristi will have a project
Wednesday: Molly will have a project
Thursday: OFF
Friday: I'll be posting every one's projects here on my blog!

As a side note, we have been doing 2 Challenge Weeks per month.  As of right now we are going to try and keep up with that.  If it proves to be too much, we may cut down to 1 week for the month of December since everyone is so busy!

Ok, so for this week our challenge was simple: Use the Smiley Cards Cartridge! I haven't utilized this cartridge at all and I thought it would be a good way to get everyone to use it and get familiar with such a cute cartridge! I also used the "Hugs & Kisses" Stamp from the new Scrappy Mom's Stamp Set "Simple Sentiments"! Wahoo for sneak peaks :)

Don't forget to check out Cristi's Blog tomorrow for her project and I'll have my project for Momo's Tuesday challenge up as well :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Some Chit-Chat and Updates!

Hey Everyone!

I cannot believe that the weekend is just about over.....Where do the days go?!?! Back to work tomorrow, ugh to Monday Mornings! LOL So I just wanted to give you guys some updates today.....

1. Madison got her cards and gifts.......She LOVED them!!!!! Bobby and Maria (her parents) were in utter shock of all the cards and goodies that were sent to Madison!! And they were all VERY appreciative of it all.  SO THANK YOU to everyone who sent a card and everyone who sent her gifts to keep her company while she continues to go through treatment. 

2.  Creative Scraps Challenge Week will start Tomorrow!  The challenge will be open to everyone on Friday and we are giving away a Country Life Cartridge (Thanks to Dorcas!!) So be sure to check in HERE tomorrow when the challenge starts!

3.  December is such a BUSY month!!! Work is SUPER busy with the holiday season going on right now.  Every weekend, Jesse and I have something going on. The 5th-Fundraiser for needy senior citizens and our churches Christmas Dinner and Dancing Party. The 11th--My sister-in-law is having a party at her home, the 12th--My in-law's Christmas party!.  My mother-in-law is flying in from Canada the 15-29, My parents & sister are flying in the 28-3rd(of Jan). Oh Yeah! And then there is Christmas! And with that comes Shopping, Wrapping, Busy Malls, Christmas cards (30 for my mom and 30 for me--all handmade) **Sigh** I'm exhausted just thinking about it!  

4.  The last number got too crazy so I decided to start a new number!! LOL Added to all the above, I have 3 Blog Hops this month! Which I super excited about :) Dec.4th--Dorcas is hosting a blog hop! The weekend of Dec. 17th--Linda and Christina are hosting blog hops!..Did i mention December was a busy month?!?!

5.  Ok... I think that was all the info I need to post! I'm sorry that this post was not very interesting but I didn't want to forget any information that I need to announce!  Hope your weekend was good and you have a great first week of December.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Episode 29- Snowman Action Wobble Card

Hey Everyone!!
Happy Weekend! I'm so glad that it is finally the weekend and I can relax with Jesse :) I'm so excited for today because we are having our family Thanksgiving dinner today at my in-laws house!!! I am in the middle of baking Apple Pie for the festivities. So I got quite a few requests to show how I made the Snowman Action Wooble Cake. So I made a quick video this morning. As I mentioned, this is a card that I found in "Holiday Cards" Magazine.

Also, I am continuing to give you guys sneak peaks for the new Simple Sentiments Stamp Set by Scrappy Mom's!So here is a SUPER simple card that I made using my new Country Life cartridges(thanks to my 2 bff's Cristi & Molly!) This would be a great card for someone who needs a little encouragement or is going through a tough time.  Hope you guys enjoy it and have a great weekend :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Scrappy Mom's Sneak Peak!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

I hope that you all had a fabulous day with friends and family giving thanks! This year was the first year that Jesse and I got to spend thanksgiving together since we have been married(he had to work last year). AND it was the first year I was cooking all on my own. If i do say so myself, I think i did a good job :)

Any who....I've been dying to post this week but had to wait till today for the start of SNEAK PEAK's!!! Scrappy Mom's has done it again with another Must Have stamp set! I'm so excited to show you all!

The card that I made today is a total scrap lift! This card was one of the cards featured in "Holiday Cards" magazine but I had to show it! Its absolutely adorable and to add to the effect.....I used an Action Wobble. I just LOVE these new Action Wooble Springs---OH be sure to "Like" them on Facebook, Search Action Wobble and you wont miss them! Hope you all enjoy the card and be sure to check out the other designers creations by clicking on their name on the right sidebar!



Friday, November 19, 2010

Episode 28- Resticking your cricut mat

Hey Everyone!

I hope you guy had a great week and that you all will have a fun filled weekend! Work seemed to go by fast this week...thank goodness =) This weekend is SUPER busy for Jesse and I. Today, we're going to a Medieval Festival (probably my favorite part of history class, so I'm STOKED!) and then shopping at the outlet's mall for a dress for our church's Xmas dinner & dancing. Oh yeah! and Grocery shopping for THANKSGIVING!!!! lol. So I've decided that with my hectic work schedule, I'm promising to post at least twice a week!!! All other post's will be MEGA bonuses! LOL. This will keep me crafty AND keep me from going MIA! hahaha....So here is a video for my second post of the week. :) I hope it's helpful!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Momo's Tuesday Challenge

:( this was suppose to AUTOPOST on Tuesday morning and it didn't so here it is, extremely late!

Hey Everyone,

I hope that you all have had a great start of the week!! Mine has been busy and crazy but what Monday & Tuesday isn't?? Jesse is having very minor surgery on his wrist on Wednesday so that will keep me busy as well, after work is over.  His parents get to "babysit" him after the surgery when he is all silly from the anesthesia :)

Anywho.....ONTO Momo's Tuesday Challenge was to create anything with a Turkey on it! Great way to get us in the spirit for Next week's Thanksgiving! (....I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to cook Thanksgiving dinner....alone!! YIKES!)  So here is what I came up with.  The card base is from Christmas Cards Solution's and the Turkey is from Create a Critter.  I also used my brand spankin' new ribbon punch from Stampin' Up! but its a bit hidden from the knot! Sorry.

Don't forget to head on over to Momo's blog to checkout all the other designers creations and to enter in the Challenge as well!

Lastly, as many of you have seen on Momo, Sarah, Julie, Emma, Pam, and Tammy's blog--the NEW Action Wobble Springs are going to be the next BIG hit in the crafting world! I was lucky enough to be asked to be part of the focus group for this new product.  I made Madison's card using the action wobble! However, after our conference call last week (PS.....They have an AMAZING contest that is going to take place sooooo soon! And the prizes....Your will not believe how AWESOME they are!!) I came up with the cutest idea for a card using the Action Wobble! Actually its wobbling right in front of me as i type on my keyboard! LOL I made a video of me creating the card but thanks to the new Call of Duty: Black Ops...there are explosions and shots being fired in the background and I'm going to have make it Closed Captions with fun music! LOL I just can't wait to finish editing the video so I can show you all! Be sure to check back and to check out all of the other focus group ladies who have fantastic projects using the action wobbles!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Creative Scraps Week #4- Open to the public.

Hey Everyone.....

....I am SOOOOOO beyond late on my posts. Again I apologize a MILLION times, but trying to figure out a schedule is sooo hard.  So today, I've trapped myself in my crafty corner to create because I really need it! LOL  So I'll be creating all day today and I'll be posting throughout the week....for sure!

So, as you guys know, this week our challenge was to use Life is a Beach.  Well our added element for yesterday was a color challenge "black, blue, and another color".  So this is what I came up with....I hope you guys like it.  I'm keeping this short and sweet because I'm on my way to record a video, I KNOW SHOCKER! LOL

Be sure to head over to Cristi's Blog, she is hosting this weeks challenge.  And be sure to enter because this month, we are giving away Country Life Cricut Cartridge.  So if you enter this week and in 2 weeks, you'll have 2 chances to win!!!!! 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I am TRUELY blessed!!!

Hey Everyone!

I had a VERY fun time with my hubby at the 333rd Squadron--THE SHARKS!!!--Annual Banquet! He had training for most of the 3 days but we did have FUN at night.  On Sunday Night, we had our Formal Dinner/ Awards Night.  Then on Monday Night ( I MISSED MOMO'S Ustream!!! I was sooooo BUMMED!! lol), we had our Sport's Themed Party!! My hubby got picked from his group to dance in the BIG "Ricky, the Recruiter" Inflatable suit! AND OMG I got it ALL on video and its HILARIOUS! He did SOOOOO well! I'll be sure to post the video up on here soon so you guys can get a GOOD chuckle! And we Finally came home yesterday.....I missed my Fur babies soooo much! LOL Ok....enough about my weekend and all the CAPS!!! LOL

So this post is all about how TRULY blessed I am. I really have some of the most AMAZING people in my life!! The absolute Greatest friends!!!! First, let me say THANK YOU to everyone who sent me a card (and a few small goodies) with such AMAZING words in it--when sending Madison's card! They were totally a SURPRISE and brought such a smile to my face!!

Thank you to Momo, who sent me a overly generous package a few weeks back! She sent me the PRETTIEST Christmas paper!!!!!! And a glitter stack to go along with it! Thank you my friend, your are the sweetest ever and I love ya!!!! xoxoxoxo

I came home today to a package in the mail that came from Cristi and Molly.......THOSE 2 are the SNEAKIEST Blogging besties EVER!!!!!!!!!! Molly totally lied to me and told me she had received her Country Life cartridge.........well it was really a cartridge that the 2 of them had purchased and sent to me!!!! What an absolute Surprise!!! I was floored and so overally excited.  Thank you to the both of both have become some of my best friends! And your too sneaky! LOL

Also...thanks to Julie and Sarah who keep me smiling and laughing with all their texts! I LOVE text messages and they keep me giggling! And involved with new products-----thanks Julie for letting me be part of the Action Wobbles! You girls will always be my Secret Accomplices!

So overall.....Thank you to everyone for everything lately! From comments, emails, cards, to goodie packs----I'm truly blessed to have you all in my life!!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Madison's Card

Hey Y'all, Happy Tuesday!!

Today, I wanted to share with you the card that I made for Madison.  But before I do that, I wanted to tell you all

I have received OVER 100 cards and at least 25 people sent packages for Madison as well!!! I can not tell you how much this means to me! I am so grateful, from the bottom of my heart, that I have such great blogging friends who posted Maddie's information and then all of you who re- posted on your blog. I appreciate it so much! She is going to love it and her family is so appreciative of everything y'all have done.  I will be sending out the packages this afternoon when I get home from Jesse's Air force Annual. 

So onto my card:

I was so excited to be asked from "Action Wobbles" to be part of their test group! Thanks JULIE!!! :)  So, I finally got the chance to use it! My ice cream is cut from Simply Charmed (I think! lol) and I glittered both  scoops and than coated it with Glossy Accents. I thought the cherry's face was appropriate since the top scoop is wobbling. (i always have that problem with 2 scoops, that's why i get a cup too so that I don't loose any of the scoops--LOL).  I used the distressed stripe's and ran the cone through twice in a criss-cross and inked around the edges.  I also used scraps of decorative paper for my background.  And I used the Scrappy Mom's "Sweet Somethings" Stamps.  
Hope you guys enjoy it!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Creative Scraps Week #4!!!

Good Morning Everyone!! I'm sorry I've been Mia but I'm still trying to figure out how to squeeze in crafting after work and making dinner.  In the mean time, still trying to keep the house straightened out and in order. LOL I seriously don't know how Momo does it!!!! I need to call her for some advice! LOL

WAHOOOOOO its Creative Scraps Challenge Week #4!!!

For our new followers, Molly (Army Wife Learns the Cricut), Cristi (Scrappin 5 Little Cupcakes) and I will take turns posting throughout the week except for today when we are all posting our projects. Friday is the day we will post our final project for the week with an added element. You will all then have a chance to participate starting on Friday and we will pick a winner!! --Unfortunately, this week Molly will be off so you will only see projects by Cristi and myself--

Now I must warn you guys.....Cristi and I have been Mojo-less recently so we have decided to just post on Monday and Friday, since we just cant seem to crank out anything that we like.  This week we decided to have another Cartridge challenge.  And the cartridge is.............Life is a Beach!

So I have been wanted to make a treat pouch like this one for quite some time!!!! I FINALLY got to use my crimper that i have had for a few months but had never touched! LOL And I know some of you are thinking, wait a minute! last week you were making Xmas stuff for mom's challenge and now your making Halloween stuff?!?!?!?? Trust me i know, I'm all kinds of bass-ackwards! LOL So here is what I can up with.  I hope you guys like it!

Be sure to head over to Cristi's blog to check out her creation for today!  Also, check back here for tomorrow to see the card I created for Madison. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Momo's Tuesday Challenge

Hey Y'all

So today is Momo's Tuesday Challenge and I swear she always challenges me! I love it but it really makes me rack my brain! LOL

This challenge was about embossing, whether it be heat embossing or dry embossing....since for Creative Scraps Challenge (which is still going on, head over to Molly's blog to join in) I used heat embossing, I decided to dry emboss.  I love all of the folders and yet barely use them! So I think this was just the type of challenge I needed!! 

I totally tried something new....I wanted to utilize more of my scraps so I cut 1" strips of white paper and layed them down on a piece of 5"x4" piece of scrap paper.  I used just a very little bit of mono adhesive to hold it down.  I than ran my snowflake folder through my epic 6(a machine that's somewhat like a cuttlebug).  I removed each strip of paper and inked them in different "Christmas" colors.  I apologize, I mean we just got over Halloween and I'm all about Christmas! LOL Anyways, I then reapplied my strips down.  I just had to use my Hello Kitty Cartridge again...I just have so much fun with it (image cut at 4", and I Swiss Dots embossed her jacket for a little more dimension)!!  Now I finished this card last week and it was missing something so I added some red glitter glue to her bow! And it was the perfect touch!  The sentiment is from Scrappy Mom's Stamp Set " Winter Wishes".

Be sure to head over to Momo's Blog and join in on her Challenge!