Hey everyone!!
I'm sorry that this is getting up SOOOO late!!! This morning I got up and got together this HUGE bundle for the Post Office.

My husband and I 275ish DVD for some extra cash and some more space in our house! We have acquired over 400 DVDs from before we were together as well as the 4 years we have been together....we decided it was about that time to let go! *LOL* (we're HUGE movie junkies)
So After getting that all together, I started brainstorming for an order for etsy--I MADE MY FIRST SALE YESTERDAY!!! I was thrilled and than I got special order request :) ANY WHO, I then did some grocery shopping and than decided to finally head to the post office.

Well the other day Cristi (Scrappin5littlecupcakes) "took me" with her around her town while she went shopping and to pick up her kids from school. Now obviously she didn't take me being that I'm here in Florida and she in Cali but she took pictures as she went around town. I thought it was the funnest thing ever! So today, I took her along with me :) I took this shot while driving (BIG TISK!! LOL) But I had to post this picture because the sky just puts a smile on my face!! I think its just soooo beautiful! Its the thing i LOVE the most about Florida. OK ON TO MY PROJECT!!(( i ramble too much! lol)

So my card tonight is 98% made with the Old West Cartridge....the only thing that is not is the top note cut in the background which comes from Storybook. I'm REALLY liking all the cute cuts on this cartridge. I'm not a big fan of the font cartridges because I mostly use stamps but I couldn't help myself with this cartridge because of all the other cuts!! I really hope that you guys enjoy this card!! I think I'll be up late crafting tonight while my hubby is playing his game so hopefully tomorrow's post will be up earlier!!
ONE LAST QUESTION FOR YOU ALL: Would you like to see recipes on my blog?? I've been sharing some recipes with Cristi and we think their good....so i was just curious if you guys would like me to share them with you??